Farm update: They are plowing, disking, that c word thingy that comes after disking, I think planting oats, and the inevitable spring fence repair. "Ahead of schedule" were words I heard briefly tonight.
Totally out of character quote for the day:
As your family grows up together, don't hesitate to ask for help from the greatest encourager of all: God. While you'll never attain parental perfection, God truly is the perfect parent. Your Heavenly Father waits for you to run into His arms, crying, "Help, Father! Show me how to parent." The Original Adoptive Parent is intimately familiar with every challenge you face, and He celebrates every milestone with you. God's Spirit, who dwells within you, communicates His thoughts to you and breathes life into you when you're exhausted.
Invite God to take charge of your childcare team. His power, at work in you, is able to do immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
And as favorite pun of all time will be repeated soon.
Pun, pun!