Saturday, April 2, 2016


Baobao's second word was hungry which should come in handy around our house.  He's communicating pretty well considering our Chinese consists of hello, goodbye, and thank you.  He's beginning to imitate which is great. He's also picked up NO, hey you, and yes.  

Here he is agreeing to be adopted.  


  1. Oh my heart! What a cutie and he sounds like lots of fun.

  2. He's so very handsome, Holly, and sounds like he's fitting right in. Taking your boys to China was clearly the right thing to do! But........does he know that there are a passel of sisters waiting? Ha Ha! That's when the real fun begins! Enjoy your time in China and safe travels back home!!

  3. Yes, he KNOWS he has three sisters. The fun begins today when they get home with the grandparents. Should be interesting watching everyone find their new normal.

  4. Yes, he KNOWS he has three sisters. The fun begins today when they get home with the grandparents. Should be interesting watching everyone find their new normal.
