Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In November...

 Catching up on the things I should have posted...

Kaitlyn sang with a children's chorus.

The older three were in Jonah's Druthers: a Whale of a Tale.

Jamison and Megan both had short speaking parts.

Davis just helped with the singing.

Megan sang a short solo.


Davis and Caleb were successful pigeon hunters in the barn 
while Jamison and Josh didn't see any deer during Youth Hunt.  

Following our annual candy hunt, costumes were a popular activity.

Kenton's family had "Christmas" on Thanksgiving while Ben and Janelle and tribe 
were here and before Carl and Martha leave for Florida. 

Four grandkids were missing.
Next year we HOPE to have ALL nineteen.  

Grandma wanted a picture of the grandkids to compare how they've changed since last year.  
Think she'll do the same with her kids?

(Janelle, Kenton, Rich, Lillian, and missing Dennis.)

It was a crazy, special weekend for us:
Bender Christmas on Thursday.
Paul and Bonnie and their kids came from New York for the weekend.

Saturday: Jamison got his first buck (Sorry, he's SO HAPPY!)

Kaitlyn turned six.
(This was a tremendous relief to her parents who have been hearing daily, if not hourly, countdowns to the BIG day.)

There were lots of extras around to help celebrate.

Grandma Adamson made her a new dress.

On Sunday, Kenton turned 44, Grandma Bender had our house of fifteen, Janelle's five, and three of Rich's for dinner, and some of the Mast cousins got together in the evening.

On Monday, we had our last bit of fun with the New York crew and Janelle's tribe came for dinner.

(Emily and Abby)

Today, everyone woke up with a big smile, energized to get back to our regularly scheduled program.  


Every kid woke up determined to be miserable and not suffer alone.  

Their success in this effort was unsurpassed.   

I think I'll move to Australia.

In other news, tomorrow is Day #108 for Emily.  That's the longest she's ever made it before.

Please cheer for a record breaker!

1 comment:

  1. Megan has a beautiful voice! Man, you Mennonites can sing. :) And what?!?! FB!?! I think I"m going to faint.
