Wow! Time flies. It seems like Thanksgiving was just yesterday...

Oh, that's right. It was. But since Ben and Janelle were in and Grandpa and Grandma haven't left for Florida now was the time to celebrate. All the grandchildren were there except the four in Mexico. Here are the four youngest minus Jenna. (We missed you guys!)

Today was Kaitlyn's first taste of Christmas. She likes her new toys...but her favorite was the Reese's pieces from Grandma, then she swiped her sister's candy, and moved onto mine. (I meant that first "taste" literally.) Later I found her trying to steal from some cousins'.

The weather was beautiful for a little football.

Grandma prepared her usual smorgasbord, apparently unfazed from yesterday's turkey feast and this morning's bonanza brunch.

Afterward we were all ready for a little of this.

Some of us didn't wait until later...

Afterward Grandpa entertained with stories.

Grandma entertained the littlest ones.

Kenton and his dad played the world's longest game of memory, demonstrating the capabilities of desperate Mennonites to cheat. ;P We don't need to mention which family member needed a little help to save his pride, do we?

Dennis, Machelle, Lydia, Brooke, Natalie, and Jenna we missed you! We can't wait for the next furlough that brings you our way.
Merry Christmas a month early.