Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Black and White Show

The black and white show was tonight.  We spent awhile yesterday and today washing and clipping cows.  I got to wash manure beads out of some tails.  It's about as much fun as it sounds.


I had to talk the kids into coming home with me this afternoon for awhile.  They were having lots of fun playing cops and robbers in the sheep barn, complete with actual "jail cells".

Of course, once home they had to be persuaded to go back.  

It took about ten minutes for all those white show pants to show dirt.  

Okay, sorry, remember this is our family blog.

Jamison and Davis took 1st and 2nd place for showmanship for their age group.  Megan did a super job but her calf started giving her some trouble part of the way through.  It was a big calf for a 9-year-old.

Jamison was junior champion in the youth division with his heifer Crystal.

Kaitlyn accompanied her dad when he got a first in his calf class.

The kids won a first for Best Three Females (calf class)

Megan got a (junior) first with her heifer Cookie in her class.
Davis got a first (junior?) with one of his dad's calves in that class.
Alena and Gregory were good sports.

Kenton had fun watching the kids.  I could see him beaming and knew that this was one of his dreams come true.  


  1. Congratulations everyone! Holly, I love reading your blog!

  2. Congratulations! And I just love your sense of humor.
