Friday, August 26, 2011

D DAY !!!

Dossier Done Day!!!

Obviously Duane wasn't as excited about a finished dossier as I was...however, he was a VERY good sport. :-) That particular envelope represents plenty of blood, sweat, tears, and tons of STRESS! Naturally my tendency to procrastinate only aggravates this situation. BUT...

It's DONE!


  1. Congratulations! Now, take a break, rest, relax (ha!) until the next round of paperwork.

  2. WOOOHOOO!! Congrats!

  3. When you type in red and use a large font..that tells me a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into it. Great job!!!

  4. THANK YOU! We're ONE step closer to knowing WHO is #5. And because I appreciate the support of ALL of YOU I will tell you that we found out that #5 will be another treasured SON!!!
    BUT...that's ALL I know. Sorry! Can't wait to HAVE more news.
