Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Emily's current favorite trick is to swipe my dishtowel and chew on it.  Eww!

If there are three towels hanging on the oven, she needs all three.  I can't have one hanging there for more than a few minutes. 


  1. I love that she smiles, like she knows what she's doing! LOL! <3 When is her next GI consult/Appt?

    This is really Saralee on bekah's google!

    1. WVU has said that they've done/checked everything they can think of. They are referring her to Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus. Apparently they have a pediatric GI team and specialize in cyclic vomiting. They told us it is the one they most highly recommend for what Emily is dealing with. It takes awhile to get in there and first they need ALL the results of ALL the tests that have been run. We are not sure what will happen if she gets sick before she's seen in Ohio. We kind of assume that WVU will just treat her but she might be sent to Ohio.
      Saralee, she IS a stinker. I tell her to put them back and she does. BUT as soon as I turn my back she grabs and runs. :P
